The TCG Industries player exploitation continues ...

How often have you gone searching for some TCG cards of the latest set for your favorite game only to be welcomed with empty shelves and often times ripped open products. Are TCG players animals? I think not, they're some of the nicest and honest people I have ever met. So what is going on then?
What is behind all of this scalping and over spending? Well if you ask the players, it's not them - they typically just buy singles. Its the more cost effective way of creating an on-meta deck.

Variant art and holographic styled cards in my opinion, is at least a portion of the blame. While these cards undeniably offer an aesthetic appeal and uniqueness, their presence in the market often encourages excessive spending, contributes to scalping practices, and leads to inventory shortages, ultimately undermining the principles of a balanced and equitable TCG ecosystem.

The most sought after cards of each set are often quite expensive if you want to buy them outright ($200+), so there is a purposefully manufactured excitement to get the consumer to fork over their dollars to rip open some products in the hopes of getting a big "hit".

The rise of holographic and variant art styled cards has inadvertently fostered the scalping community. (Scalping refers to the practice of buying items in bulk, with the intent of reselling them at inflated prices when supply is low) The artificial rarity of these cards exacerbates supply-demand imbalances. As players and collectors compete to obtain these limited-edition cards, stock shortages become commonplace, leaving many disappointed and unable to access the products they desire. It is disheartening for enthusiasts to visit their local game stores or online platforms only to find empty shelves or inflated prices due to scarcity.

Once one looks to the heart of the problem, what do we see? The TCG industry big players sitting on their throne, manufacturing the whole thing once again. On the bottom line of the business checkbook, if the products are selling out on the shelves it's a good thing - so it is unlikely that they care. It is imperative for manufacturers, distributors, and players to collectively address these issues, ensuring that the TCG industry remains a space where individuals can enjoy the game and its collectibles without falling victim to manipulative practices or artificially inflated costs, but this is a pipe dream.

What we need is a card game made for players, by the players. A home brew TCG focused on strategy, deck crafting, and enjoying time well spent with friends. What we need is Pixel Powers TCG.

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