Pixel Powers - browse cards

Hero Cards
HERO cards have extremely overpowered effects and are played for free. Playing a HEROcard, can bring a strategic player from the brink of losing to a position of power immediately.
HERO cards often synergize well with the other cards in your deck to become even more powerful.
Every Pixel Powers deck will always contain one HERO card.

Dungeon Card
A card used during SOLO play. Encounter 3 waves of enemies and then flip the card over to reveal a powerful BOSS enemy to fight

Dungeon Boss Card
Used during SOLO play and revealed on the backside of a Dungeon Card, a BOSS slime gives you an exhilirating battle against a really overpowered enemy!

Slime Cards
SLIME cards are the backbone of any Pixel Powers deck.
SLIME cards have an associated cost, that can be satisfied by playing RESOURCE cards.
SLIME cards are played onto the field, into one of your 4 available spaces.
SLIME cards are used to combat enemy cards that have been played. (see Combat above)
SLIME cards can also attack the opponent directly if there are no other targets - this is the key to victory

Item Cards
ITEM cards are played for free and are vital to any good Pixel Powers deck.
ITEM cards often give you the choice of multiple actions, with varying effects.
Some ITEM cards may be played as attachments to your already played SLIME cards, making them even more powerful.
Finding the right ITEM cards to use for your deck is the key to victory!

Pillar Cards
PILLAR cards are uniquely powerful, and can be used in a lot of situations.
PILLAR cards are played onto the field, similar to BASE and SLIME cards into any of the 4 available spaces.
PILLARS have special abilities that can be activated once per turn, similar to Base cards, but with much more powerful effects.
In order to activate PILLAR cards abilities, it typically comes with some sort of sacrifice due to their power.

Resource Cards
RESOURCE cards are played and immediately put into your discard pile.
RESOURCE cards are "spent" in order to build other cards that can deal some damage or have special abilities.
BASE, SLIME and PILLAR cards all have an associated COST that is written on each card.
Every Pixel Powers deck will contain RESOURCE Cards, you can't win without them!

Magic Cards
You may only play one MAGIC card per turn (unless otherwise stated).
MAGIC cards are played and then put into your discard pile, after resolving the effect.
MAGIC cards are played for free and often give you the choice between two powerful effects.
Pixel Powers deck lists will usually have a few MAGIC cards, you want to be playing one every turn!

Base Cards
BASE cards may be used by specific types of decks or to achieve strategic goals.
BASE cards have an associated cost, that can be satisfied by playing Resource cards.
BASE cards are played onto the field, into one of your 4 available spaces.
BASE cards typically have special abilities that can be activated once per turn.
BASE cards may also have passive abilities that are always active.
BASE cards often have a lot of health, and are tough to take down, though expensive to build.
Hero Cards
Slime Cards
Dungeon (SOLO content)
Item Cards
Pillar Cards
Resource Cards
Magic Cards
Base Cards
The best way to learn is just to play
Now that you know a bit about each type of card why don't you go ahead and play a game with one of the pre-constructed decks (or build your own) and demolish the "AI" opponent I have coded to play with you!